Thursday 1 October 2015

Chris Brown & Nia Guzman: Congrats On Agreeing To Joint Custody Of Royalty

Chris Brown & Nia Guzman: Congrats On Agreeing To Joint Custody Of Royalty

Nia Guzman Chris Brown Joint Custody
That means for both of you, being sober, loving, and attentive parents , and very importantly,  working together to plan the best future for Royalty. Chris, 26, our insiders tell us that you can’t wait to do the normal everyday things with Royalty: take her to the park to play, have “play dates” with her and friends, go with her to swim lessons and art classes, and just spend time hanging out and snuggling together. Now, you can do all these things, without having the nagging fear that you could lose your daughter at any time. Or that you have to beg and negotiate  with Nia to see her.
Nia, 36, you now have the certainty of knowing how much money you’ll receive from Chris monthly, plus you won’t have to worry about school, nanny and health expenses. This is the best of all possible outcomes. Now you two can stop being adversaries and can unite to give Royalty all the love and structure that she needs.
Hollywoodlifers — do you agree that this is the best possible result for Nia, Chris AND Royalty? Let me know.

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